Wyoming: Platte County

Platte County (pop. 8,667) is west of Goshen County. It’s the third-smallest county (in square miles) in Wyoming.

Missouri and Nebraska also have Platte counties.

About 54,000 acres are irrigated in the Wheatland Irrigation District. Water comes from the Laramie River.

Wheat, alfalfa hay, barley, oats, etc.

The county seat is the city of Wheatland (pop. 3,627).

Platte County Courthouse (1917)

The bucking horse named Steamboat (1894-1914) – the model for the horse on the Wyoming license plate – was stabled in a barn near Wheatland.

The town of Chugwater (pop. 212) is the home of the Chugwater Chili Company.

Founded in 1986

Glendo State Park is on Glendo Reservoir on the North Platte River.

Popular for fishing, water sports, and camping

Guernsey State Park contains the best-preserved Oregon Trail ruts in Wyoming.

Thousands of wagon trains passed through here.

The park is also the site of Register Cliff, where emigrants on the Oregon Trail chiseled their names in the soft stone.

On the way to South Pass


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